If you enjoy books about cemeteries (and I do, honestly!), you’ll love "Chicago Eternal" by Larry Broutman. The book is a beautiful coffee-table-style volume on heavy paper stock with photographs—mostly in color—of impressive monuments in the city’s finest historic graveyards. The visuals are accompanied by well-researched information on the individuals and families represented.
Some of the city’s permanent “residents” are well known. Famous names include Olympic gold medalist Jesse Owens, Oscar F. Mayer of meat-packing fame, and Cyrus Hall McCormick, inventor of a reaper that revolutionized agriculture in the 1800s. Others are not celebrated but passed away as young children or have an especially striking gravestone.
The book even comes with 3-D paper glasses that add to the fun. So sit back and enjoy!
Diana Schneidman (Amazon review)